My trip to New York was very last minute. I'd had it in the back of my head that I wanted to visit before the end of 2014 but I didn't know until about 2-3 days prior to actually leaving that I would be going. I was very happy that I would be in New York for Labor Day Weekend and to spend the last days of summer with friends and family. Since this trip was impromptu - and since it had been two years since last I was in New York and that trip hadn't been all that pleasant - I thought I'd blog about it.

I left my apartment in Los Angeles before the sun came out. In true Dawn Melissa fashion I waited until the last minute to pack. So I was up until about 3am packing and only slept 2 hours before leaving to catch my flight. I got the aisle seat and didn't check my carry-on. And I was pleased when I was able to lift my carry-on with one hand into the overhead compartments without any assistance from the men offering to help (I had a hot cup of coffee in the other hand and refused to toss it before boarding because it'd cost $5. I think my lifting the luggage while holding the hot coffee made everyone around me a little nervous).
I got to New York in the evening and pretty much spent the rest of the day sleeping and catching up on old episodes of MTV's Awkward.
The next day was spent with Melinda a friend from college and one of my favorite people still living in New York. I'd never been to Williamsburg so I thought it would be fun to meet her there. We had lunch at a place called Sweet Chick where they served Chicken and Waffles but also Kale so- something for everyone. I had chicken and pancakes but next time I go I will try their shrimp and grits.
While we ate we had a really interesting chat about friendships. I realized through this conversation that I'm in a place where I'm not open to just any kind of friendship anymore. My standards have gone up and I'm really looking for genuine friendships. I also realized that as far as LA is concerned I'm not open to new friendships. I just don't believe I can find what I'm looking for here. Which explains why I rarely go out anymore. But that's all going to change very soon.
The next day was spent walking around Central Park, Times Square, Greenwich village and Soho.
I walked so much my feet were killing me.
At one point, while sitting on a rock in Central Park, one of those typical upper eastside types dripped her Gyro on me because she was so busy keeping up a steady stream of nonsensical conversation with a couple of toddlers that she didn't notice me. Hey I guess when I have children I'll be the same way do I won't make fun of her too much - still, kind of annoying. Normally I get pretty ticked off when people drop food on me but in this instance I was relieved that it hadn't been bird poop. So I let it slide.
The next day was spent preparing for a party to celebrate the Virgin Mary. Orlando's parents had been planning for a year and were excited that Orlando was able to come to New York to show his support. Orlando's mom inspected the dress I'd packed and made sure I had accessories and a handbag to go with it. I also had to wear heels. Then she sent me to get my nails done- which I thoroughly enjoyed. Meanwhile, Orlando, his father and his brothers went to get suits for the occasion.
Everyone looked very nice. Especially Orlando who had to make a speech in Spanish. He did well. I will post a vlog about that on my channel. The party was fun. I even got to put some of those salsa lessons Orlando and I took together to good use.
The next day, we went to a BBQ on Long Island. By this time I was covered in mosquito bites so I was a little uncomfortable. I wasn't used to humidity or dealing with mosquitos but what I didn't mind was the rain. The California drought had me thirsty for a rainstorm. So I was ecstatic when it started raining during the BBQ. That didn't stop us from eating and playing flip cup (which I'm pretty good at BTW).
On the way home we stopped to get lotion for my bug bites. At one point, a little girl and her dad came in the store. Someone on her way our held the door for the dad and he walked through without acknowledging the person who'd held the door. The little girl called out to her dad, "she held the door for you dad, what do you say? What do you say dad?!". The dad looked embarrassed as everyone stared at him then he mumbled, "Thank you," and rushed off. It was an awesome moment. I realized kids always have something to teach their entitled parents.
I saw my family the next day. My cousins and their kids, my goddaughter, my aunts, my brother and sister and grandad. Pretty much everyone except my mom, which was a bummer, but I got to talk with her on the phone.
It was a nice day spent in Pennsylvania and a really great way to wrap up the Labor Day Weekend festivities. With more food, movies and picture taking. The best part was that I got to meet the newest addition to the family- my one month old cousin Amari Egypt.
If ever I were certain that I wanted kids it was in this moment. Holding that tiny baby and falling head over heals in love.
I spent my last day back in Queens going through a bunch of old high school and college photos and mourning the loss of my girlish figure. Lol. Actually it was a nice trip down memory lane. But I'll write more on that later.
For now I've just landed in LAX - like the plane touched down as I started writing this paragraph. I need to go to baggage claim because the idiot at LGA forced me to check my tiny bag. Even though it was free it was still annoying because my bag wasn't too big or bulky. Also, the flight wasn't full so there were all these empty compartments just laughing at me as I sulked in my seat before take off.
I didn't sulk long though because I fell fast asleep as soon as the plane took off. Again in true Dawn Fashion I'd waited until the last minute to pack and had only slept two hours. When I woke up I decided to write about my trip. It was really nice to get away from Los Angeles for a bit. Especially during the Labor Day Weekend. Mosquito bites, humidity, heavy rain and all - I enjoyed every bit.
But I'm glad to be home and looking forward to sleeping in my own bed.