Thursday, November 13, 2014

Attitude Adjustment

I spent the day updating my retail resume and for the first time since graduating from college I didn't feel like it was a complete waste of time.  In fact, I actually felt a sense of accomplishment.

Look who finally had an attitude adjustment.

I guess I've been walking around with a chip on my shoulder.  I never would have admitted it before because I didn't want to be the 'angry Black girl', but the truth is I was angry.

I had an attitude problem.  I had good reason to be angry but being angry didn't solve anything.  It didn't change or improve my life one bit.  It didn't get me the career or the friends I wanted.  It certainly didn't punish the people who'd made me angry.  All it did was poison my life kept me in the exact same place all these years.  

So I had to change my attitude and release all that anger.  

Changing my attitude meant being truly thankful for the jobs that I did have instead of looking down on them because they weren't my dream jobs.  Changing my attitude meant working just as hard at my retails jobs as I would for any film job.  Changing my attitude meant finding a way to deal with my anger without letting it consume me and hold me back.  It meant fighting for the life I wanted and finding a way to be happy.

Occasionally I may still have a chip on my shoulder.  I may, on occasion, feel angry.  But I don't have to let that chip or that anger take hold of me and prevent me from doing everything in my power to reach my full potential.

So today I've been updating my retail resume and I'm perfectly happy to do it.

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