From Ipsy, Wantable, We are onyx, Love with Food, Curlbox, Curlkit, Hairfinity, Julep....even Your Tea (I'll do a review on Your Tea/Tiny Tea soon - suffice it to say it wasn't a pleasant experience and I honestly don't recommend wasting your money on a company that gets defensive and makes up any excuse to explain why their product isn't working including suggesting you go see a doctor because maybe there's something wrong with your body....but I digress).
Anyway, I got hooked on basically buying things for no reason. Maybe it was from reading blog reviews and watching Youtube reviews. Maybe I thought having those products would make me happier or fulfilled. Maybe I just have an addictive personality. It's probably all of the above.
Anyway, I got hooked on basically buying things for no reason. Maybe it was from reading blog reviews and watching Youtube reviews. Maybe I thought having those products would make me happier or fulfilled. Maybe I just have an addictive personality. It's probably all of the above.
But after awhile I took a look around my already cluttered apartment and I realized I had a problem.
I had all this stuff.
And I didn't need any of it.
And I wasn't happy or fulfilled.
And my bank account wasn't happy either.
I had all this stuff.
And I didn't need any of it.
And I wasn't happy or fulfilled.
And my bank account wasn't happy either.
I'd missed something. I looked for the quick fix instead of dealing with the real issue. I got a high from seeing my Onyx box in the mail. I got a buzz when I saw an email from Ipsy saying my glam bag had shipped. But then those highs and buzzes would fade and I would sit there with all these samples that don't really suit me (let me stop lying, I love everything about We Are Onyx. Like EVERYTHING) - And I would still feel empty.
I canceled my subscription services and started going through my things. I made piles.
To keep.
Throw away.
When I was done and looked at my piles I saw my 'too keep' pile was very small. If I was doing an honest assessment I could see that most of the things I had was just clutter.
I canceled my subscription services and started going through my things. I made piles.
To keep.
Throw away.
When I was done and looked at my piles I saw my 'too keep' pile was very small. If I was doing an honest assessment I could see that most of the things I had was just clutter.
I dusted off my copy of Gail Blanke's Throw Out Fifty Things and rereading the book helped me get organized and part with the things I didn't need or want. (I might have mentioned this before but I used to be addicted to collecting Self-help books. It was one of my more innocent addictions and one I was sort of proud to have. I'm one of those people who benefits from having a 12 step program when it comes to self-improvement. I like having my journey mapped out for me.)
So I'm glad I had Gail Blanke's book to go back to in order to get de-cluttered. It's a pretty simple concept really - you just throw out fifty things. They can't be the same thing (i.e. 50 magazines counts as only ONE thing) but they can be pretty much anything from clothes to people. If they are connected to bad memories they should be in the 'throw away' or 'donate' pile for sure. I threw out so many old t-shirts that were connected to old jobs and school activities (i.e. bad memories) and if felt so good never to have to look at a t-shirt from those camps I worked at or a sweatshirt from high school again.
Anyway, I came across a chapter where a woman talks about how she threw out her man. She didn't physically toss her boyfriend in the trash, obviously, but she ended that relationship because it wasn't making her happy. I thought it was genius of Gail Blanke to include this story in her book because it gave me the push I needed to start taking a closer look at some of the relationships I was involved in that weren't making me happy. But tackling a home improvement job and throwing out objects is a lot easier to do than throwing out people.
It shouldn't be done in haste or without consideration.
Before you get scissor happy, take a moment to really think about who adds to your life. Who edifies you spiritually. Who's there for you on your darkest days not just for happy hour or when they need something. Who invites you out just to hang out and not because they're feeling bored or lonely or their other plans fell through? Who always has your back no matter what and never bails on you for a better opportunity or more desirable friend?
Go through your mental roledex and think about the people you have in your life - then start cutting out the drainers, the users, the verbal abusers, the liars, the haters, and the people who only keep you around "just in case".

It shouldn't be done in haste or without consideration.
Before you get scissor happy, take a moment to really think about who adds to your life. Who edifies you spiritually. Who's there for you on your darkest days not just for happy hour or when they need something. Who invites you out just to hang out and not because they're feeling bored or lonely or their other plans fell through? Who always has your back no matter what and never bails on you for a better opportunity or more desirable friend?
Go through your mental roledex and think about the people you have in your life - then start cutting out the drainers, the users, the verbal abusers, the liars, the haters, and the people who only keep you around "just in case".
You are no one's back up plan. You are no one's safe bet. You are no one's after thought. You are no one's stepping stone. You are no one's trusty sidekick.
You're so much better than that.
And deep down you know it. So stop putting up with the BS. Stop putting up with getting your feelings hurt or getting used or lied to. Stop putting up with the guilt trips. Stop putting up with being talked about behind your back. Stop putting up with condescending people.
Just stop it.
And deep down you know it. So stop putting up with the BS. Stop putting up with getting your feelings hurt or getting used or lied to. Stop putting up with the guilt trips. Stop putting up with being talked about behind your back. Stop putting up with condescending people.
Just stop it.
Get rid of anything that doesn't serve you. De-clutter your life.
Go be happy. Now.
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