When I was in New York I got to go through some old boxes I'd left behind and found pictures from high school and college.
As I stared at those younger looking images of myself I started thinking about how much simpler life would've been if I'd known then what I know now.
If it were possible to have a chat with my younger self these are some of the things I would say:
Speak up when someone hurts you. When a bully threatens to beat you up. When a so-called friend calls you the 'N' word and laughs in your face. Speak up. Stand up for yourself. Even if it means that bully following through with her threat and getting punched in the face. Even if it means losing all your friends. Don't crouch in a corner or stand on the sidelines and just take it hoping they'll get bored and move on. Speak up - stand up for yourself. Be loud about it.
It's OK to be on your own. It builds character.
Don't make out with your boss. It won't end well.
Don't go work at any summer camps after college. It's a complete waste of time and on both occasions you'll be unfairly fired so don't do it.
That box of oatmeal pies won't make you feel better.
Don't leave your camera on the floor of your bedroom prom night. It will get stolen either by your dad or one of his friends. And dad won't buy you a new one despite his promise to.
Don't lose your virginity to get back at your ex-boyfriend.
So you know that woman who's always hanging around the choir director? She's evil. Possibly a racist. Don't waste any of your energy trying to get on her good side or seek her approval.
Don't pass messages back and forth between friends. There will be confusion and you'll end up getting blamed for everything.
Listen to your mom. She loves you.
Try to be nice to your sister.
Put family first no matter what.
If someone calls you the n word or uses it ever don't associate with them. They aren't your friends. Also, don't have sex with White guys who use the N word. It's degrading and you can do better.
Don't be so hard on yourself. Everyone makes mistakes.
Don't take everything so seriously.
Don't follow the crowd.
Don't move to Los Angeles based on someone else's advice.
Don't take anyone's virginity as a favor to them.
Don't hook up with your guy friends. Not on your birthday. Not because he's drunk. Not for any reason. It will ruin everything. And none of them will treat you like a real friend afterwards.
If you are sad or heartbroken it's OK to cry. It doesn't make you weak.
Floss everyday.
Don't be afraid to go on adventures. Whether that's exploring Harlem for the first time by yourself or spending a semester in London to intern at the BBC. Do it.
Everything will work out in your favor if you just have Faith. And work hard.
If they never call you just to check in or catch up - they aren't your friends. Let them go.
Healthy competition between girlfriends is OK but if you find yourself constantly drained or angry and upset after spending time with someone cut them loose. It's a toxic relationship.
Fall in love with one boy at a time.
Don't hook up with your teachers.
If you have to ask what the word "buck" means - you're not ready to fight. Walk away.
Practice forgiveness. Don't hold grudges or burn bridges because things didn't go your way.
Love yourself.
I'm sure there are a hundred other pieces of advice I could give myself too but then this post would never end. Knowing me and how stubborn I was as a teenager, I probably wouldn't heed any of this advice. But at least my younger self would know there was somebody (from the future) looking out for her - and since we both love time travel movies that little fact might actually make me cool in my younger self's book.
What would you tell your younger self?
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