Friday, September 4, 2015

But Then You Get Over It

When it first happens you feel pretty bad about it.

It just kind of hovers over you like a dark rain cloud.  Sometimes it presents itself as a physical ailment like nausea or a migraine.  You might experience moments of deep humiliation or confusion and you might even start to question everything about your entire existence.

Rejection is a bitch.

You may react in different ways when you experience it depending on how sensitive you are. Personally, my reactions range from cursing, crying, extreme exercising, binge eating, binge drinking, sleeping for days at a time to completely shutting down emotionally and putting up my trusty force field to protect me from evil beings.

I don't handle rejection very well.

The worst part comes when I start to question everything about myself. That's the absolute worst part about rejection.  When you start to question yourself you're like three small steps away from hitting depression and that's a whole other battle. I was on this rejection-depression cycle for years before I finally figured out a way to deal with it.  It's not something I've mastered by any stretch of the imagination but I do have it under control.

To work through this tough cycle I remind myself that there will always be people out there who simply don't like me. Maybe they're jealous, maybe they're intimidated or they feel threatened or maybe they're just snobs or closet racists who simply think they're better than me. It doesn't matter what the reason is, there will always be someone who simply doesn't like me. I remind myself of that and then I tell myself that it's their problem not mine.  If you don't like me that's YOUR business.

Easier said than done, I know.

Sometimes it takes me physically looking in the mirror and telling myself this over and over again. Then I tell myself that getting all bent out of shape over people who don't care about me or my feelings (or my storyline) is such a waste of energy. I then work out or I get on my computer and start writing or shooting Youtube videos.

If I'm still feeling emotional after that, I let myself feel the rejection. I feel the humiliation, I feel the anger, the confusion and if the mood strikes - I cry.  Because it's personal and it hurts and I'm a human being and there's nothing wrong with that. Anyone who tells you not to take things "personally" is probably a jerk or completely clueless.  When you get rejected it is personal.

But you don't have to stay in that place.  You don't have to let that moment define you or stay with you. And most importantly don't let it or anyone make you question who you are.  No one should ever have that much power or influence in your life.

Yeah rejection sucks.

But after awhile the pain ebbs and you forget how humiliated and confused you were feeling.  It may takes minutes, days, weeks or even months but eventually you get over it. You get over those people, that moment, the hurtful words. You just stop caring. You move on with your life and seek happiness elsewhere.

Because for good people like you - there's always some good fortune coming your way.

Go Be Happy. Now.

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